In the wake of a devastating nuclear war, Americans have been forced to rebuild their lives underground. Scientists and politicians alike insist it's too dangerous to survive on Earth's radioactive surface. But a fast-growing cult, led by a preacher and his mysterious family, believe otherwise. They're determined to return to the surface, no matter the cost.
A taxidermist faces an extraordinary uprising when his new assistant brings his taxidermy animals back to life. "Wunderkammer" is a play about identity and tribalism, blurring the line between human and animal, and life and death.
When Alice needs a place to crash after dropping out of college, her sister Penny welcomes her with open arms. There's just one catch: Penny's dog, Elmo -- who may not be a dog at all. "Dog" is an experimental play about cycles of abuse, and the passive violence that keeps abusers in power.
To read these plays or additional one-act plays, please see New Play Exchange.